Life can be tough.

Whether it's physical or mental health, relationships, finances or work pressure, people can deal with a lot. Most of the time, you'll pass someone in the street and have no idea what's going on in their life. Other times, you'll know a friend or a loved one is having a hard time. If the latter is true, then whilst we can't make their troubles go away, we can try to offer some escape from their woes, if just for a few hours.


We're still very new at the moment, and so just getting started. But as soon as possible, we want to open our inbox to anyone who would like to nominate a friend, neighbour, loved one or just someone you pass in the street every day, who you think needs a break. That could be anything from a lunch out, the opportunity to study a course at home, a couple of hours being pampered, or a family fun day. In the meantime, leave your email address to hear when we start inviting nominations.

Lisa Freeman,

Why are we handing out treats?

"I’ve wanted to make Activibees for years - I run a web development agency so I always have ideas for websites, and we can’t make all of them! But when our son was born very prematurely in 2021, and I spent many of the next 12 months next to his hospital bed, away from our other children, I was left desperate to get out and enjoy life with them all as soon as he was well enough. Meanwhile months of being in a Children’s hospital, seeing other poorly children and their exhausted parents, inspired the giving aspect of Activibees, where we try to just give a little treat or break from the everyday to those who really need it. "

Lisa Freeman | Founder, Activibees

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