We're the one stop site for finding things to do - no matter where you are, no matter how old you are.

Activibees was set up after many a Devon caravan holiday, trying to find things to do in the area. Sometimes in rain, sometimes with kids in tow.

Whether you want to head North for 30 minutes into your local City, or 2 hours South into a different county. Whether you’re a tourist looking for the big things, or a local looking for the little things (or vice versa). Activibees’ unique structure makes it easy - for the first time ever - to find everything in one place.

Our unique search works differently to other “what’s on” websites, making it easy to find something to do to fill that rainy Saturday afternoon or that sunny half term Tuesday. And that’s before you even get as far as our AI powered itinerary builder.

And what about if you just want to stay home? The pandemic ushered in a world of remote experiences and great things to do from your sofa - and now you can find them all in one place.

For the public

Until now, browsing for something to do whilst at home or on holiday would see you jumping from restrictive local area tourism websites, to specific (gig / festival / bar / restaurant / kid / non-kid) sites with frustrating gaps in the middle. Activibees.com aims to fill those annoying gaps by having everything "to do" listed in one place - whether it's an all year round attraction, or a stand alone event.

You can follow profiles to be notified when they any udpates or new events and you can bookmark things you find when you're researching your next staycation. 

If you want a public profile to share your tips and recommendations with the world - and earn some extra income whilst doing so - then you might want to become an Ambassador.

For businesses and organisations

Whether you're a permanent attraction (e.g. a theme park) or a pop up / seasonal event, there's a place for you on Activibees. Cafes / eateries / bars are also all very welcome as going out to eat is most certainly something to do. We don't currently cater for hotels or guest houses - we leave those to the accommodation sites (unless you're a hotel with a public restaurant - in which case feel free to add that).

You can have a public profile which you keep up to date, allowing visitors to Follow your profile to be notified when you add more things to do.

If you feel you're going to have lots to always add to the site, then please get in touch to discuss how we can get your udpates on the site automatically without you needing to bother (maybe you've got a feed, or a news section we can crawl).

Coming soon - our AI powered itinerary builder

Make sure your listings are in Activibees if you want to be part of the new way for people to plan their free time. Leave your email here for more info as we release it.

Lisa Freeman and son

Who's behind Activibees?

"I’ve wanted to make Activibees for years as I found existing sites limited and frustrating. But when our son was born prematurely in 2021, and I spent many of the next 12 months next to his hospital bed, away from our other children, I was left desperate to get out and enjoy life with them all as soon as he was well enough. Meanwhile months of being in a Children’s hospital, seeing other poorly children and their exhausted parents, inspired the giving aspect of Activibees, where we try to just give a little treat or break from the everyday to those who really need it. "

Lisa Freeman | Founder, Activibees

Who's behind Activibees?

Lisa, as well as being the founder of Activibees, is the Managing Director of Bristol based web development agency 18a, so had just the team to make her plans a reality.

We've been building websites for ourselves and clients all over the world for over 15 years.

Our sites are visited by millions of people every year - you've quite likely used one of them and just not known it.

If you've got any comments or questions about the site, or would like to work with us in any capacity, please do get in touch.

Please enter your email below so we can save these to an account for you.

By clicking submit you're confirming you're happy with our Privacy Policy and Cookie info.

You can ask us to delete your details at any time.

Added by our community

This listing was added by a member of our community, which means it might not be 100% accurate. Please ensure you check their official website for up to date information. If this is your organisation / event, please contact us to claim the listing.

Photo credit

This image was either uploaded by a member of our community, uploaded by the person who manages this listing, or provided by the web page we're linking to using the Open Graph protocol. If you believe this image shouldn't be shown here, please contact us.